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Beneficiation of a fine-sized cassiterite-bearing magnetite ore

Minerals & Metallurgical Processing , 2011, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 88-93

Liu, Siqing; Cao, Ye; Tong, Xiong; Li, Peng


A low-grade cassiterite-magnetite ore from Sichuan province, China, is finely disseminated, assaying 0.39% Sn and 23.20% Fe, respectively. Mineralogy studies show that the fine-sized cassiterite is mainly disseminated in iron minerals and gangue. Moreover, the embedded size of cassiterite is very fine and must be ground to -0.01 mm to achieve a degree of liberation of about 90%. Therefore, fine grinding needs to be conducted to get a high quality tin concentrate and a great loss of tin cannot be avoided when treating the ore by gravity concentration. Based on the above facts, a two-stage separation, with a low intensity magnetic separator and a shaking table, was selected to test the ore. Compared with other similar plants, a relatively good separation has been achieved. Three acceptable products for smelters were obtained as following: iron concentrate assaying 61.69% Fe with a recovery of 75.09%, tin concentrate assaying 27.21% Sn with a recovery of 56.97% and a sulfur concentrate assaying 40.86% S with a recovery of 32.03%, respectively.